






The Journal

This was a special engagement session. I have known Tico since he was born. Our families have been super close all these years. I actually had no idea he lived nearby me here in North Carolina. It was fun to catch up with him and meet Melody. We met up at Asheville Arboretum for their […]

Engagements, Featured

Asheville Arboretum Engagement Session

Asheville Arboretum Engagement Session

Downtown Los Angeles is such a vibrant and wild city. Ask me 10 years ago if I thought I would live there I would probably laugh. Fast forward to 2020 and I was driving from Florida to LA to live! It was an unique experience for sure. Living in Silverlake was idyllic. I met so […]


Downtown Los Angeles Engagement

Los Angeles Engagement Photographer

Moving to North Carolina has been a dream. Finding location like this one makes the drive over from the West Coast so worth it! Loved hanging out these two at Max Patch. If you have been to Max Patch you know it’s a bit of a walk to get to the top. Oh it’s so […]


Max Patch Couple Session

Asheville Engagement Photographer-Max Patch

It was a beautiful evening when I arrived at El Matdor for these two beach engagement shoot. Thankfully there wasn’t a lot of people and the sunset was gorgeous. They looked great and were so easy to photograph. We had fun walking around the beach and loved hearing their story. Even though it was windy […]


El Matdor Beach Engagement

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